Prestige Turbo Yeast Review
Your choice of yeast depends on the desired alcoholic content and style of brew. Distillers yeast is best for producing higher alcohol contents quickly; however, for those just starting out looking to create spirits or fruit schnapps Turbo yeast works quickly while producing higher amounts of alcohol quickly.
Yeast is an organism that uses sugar as its energy source to complete various enzymatic reactions that result in alcohol and by-products such as CO2 and aroma compounds being produced. For optimal growth, yeast needs additional nutrients such as amino acids, enzymes and minerals in addition to simple sugar from its environment (mash).
So to maintain optimal results in both beer and wine production, yeast supplements like nutrient blends or vitamins may be added to ensure healthy yeast. Turbo yeast offers all these essential yeast nutrients in one convenient sachet form.
Gert Strand AB of Sweden’s Prestige Turbo Yeast is an efficient way to quickly produce 14%-20% (ABV) alcohol within days. Conveniently packaged in pre-packed format for ease of use in any mash and fermentation temperature control, it’s available on Amazon UK as an easy and effective solution for producing your first batch of high-quality alcohol.